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7 Benefits of Exercise in the Cold
7 Benefits of Exercise in the Cold "As much to admit: it is not obvious to motivate to go out to sport in this season. It is night when we leave home but also when we return in the evening, and although it is always nice to enjoy …
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A good sleep promotes sports performance
A good sleep promotes sports performance N umerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of sleep on athlete recovery capabilities. A nap of 20 to 30 minutes strengthens the dynamism and allows to recover faster after an int…
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Muscle pain
Muscle pain N o doubt you have already suffered from painful muscles! This article addresses the causes, symptoms and prevention of muscle pain. WHAT IS EXACTLY? Muscle pain, also known as stiffness or myalgia, is pain in one or more muscles…
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Does bread make you fat?
Does bread make you fat P eople who want to lose weight are increasingly opting for low carb diets. Bread and other starchy foods are then avoided. But does bread really grow and where does this idea come from? The idea Many popular diets, and…
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Muscle warm-up
Muscle warm-up M uscle warm-up is an important step in a weight training program and every session. It precedes all training and prevents injury. What is the purpose of muscle warm ? Warming up in weight as in all sports, is an absolute must…
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Muscle building
S trength training is a practice that seeks to draw his silhouette by working one or more muscle groups. The practitioners of bodybuilding can find different results. For this, they must get to know their morphotype and understand the functi…
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Fitness And Cardio Training
F itness and cardio are alternatives to bodybuilding as Swedish gymnastics or swimming. Because they seek the muscles differently and because they work other essential functions , these are two complementary disciplines of building muscle. Presentation of fitn…
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