12 strength training exercises for the chest
According to Wikipedia, the pectoral muscles are a group of muscles located on the chest, they can be pushed forward and the arms are split into two parts, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. The chest cover an area between the shoulders, the front of the body, which goes to the abdominals.
Strength training of the pectoral, like any strength training exercise, requires great rigor on the diet and sporting. To optimize the volume taken the chest muscles, it is now recommended to perform at high intensity series of 8-12 repetitions at approximately 80% of your maximum load. The breath is vital, we must inspire during the negative phase of the exercise and exhale during the positive phase.
Here are 12 strength training exercises for the chest:
1. Bench Press:
The exercise is done lying on a bench right, with a bar. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. The horizontal arm, elbow fl ected, palms upward (supination). The bar should be at chest height. Push, push upwards until you arms straight. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
2. Bench Press tight hold
The exercise is done lying on a bench right, with back flat barre.Le on the bench, feet on the soil.The hands to shoulder height, elbows fl ected, palms up (supination) the bar should be at chest level. Push, push upwards until you arms straight. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
3. Developed on right Machine
The exercise is done sitting on a machine. Your back flat on the back of the machine, place your hands on the handles. Push, push by blowing, breathe by returning to the original position. You must check the return to the starting position.
4. Incline large amplitude
The exercise is done lying on an incline bench with a bar. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. The bar should be placed on the chest. Elbows fl ected, pointing to the ground, palms upward (supination). Push, push upwards until you arms straight. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
5. Incline Dumbbell
The exercise is done lying on an incline bench with dumbbells. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. A dumbbell in each hand on each side of the shoulders. Elbows fl ected, pointing to the ground, palms upward (supination). Push, push upwards until you have the arms stretched above the chest. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
6. Incline to tight hold
The exercise is done lying on an incline bench with a bar. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. The horizontal arm, elbow fl ected, palms upward (supination). The bar should be placed on the chest. The hands above the shoulders. Push, push upwards until you arms straight. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
7. lying Euchre
The exercise is done lying on a straight bench with dumbbells. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. In the initial position, the arms are extended above the chest, slightly fl ected elbows. Palms face-to-face. Spread your arms to have the arms out to each side of the body, keeping them slightly fl ected elbows. Inhale with outstretched arms, blow ez when returning to the starting position. Caution: Avoid this exercise if you load too heavy or you are unable to control the movement, it may cause injury if it is not perfectly controlled.
8. inclined Euchre
The exercise is done lying on an incline bench with dumbbells. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. In the initial position, the arms are extended above the chest, slightly fl ected elbows. Palms face-to-face. Spread your arms to have the arms out to each side of the body, keeping them slightly fl ected elbows. Inhale with outstretched arms, blow ez when returning to the starting position. Caution: Avoid this exercise if you load too heavy or you are unable to control the movement, it may cause injury if it is not perfectly controlled.
9. Euchre on Machine
The exercise is done sitting on a machine. Your back flat on the back of the machine. Arms out, place your forearms on the supports. Push, push by bringing your forearms in front of your head. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position. You must check the return to the starting position.
10. Euchre the pulley
This type of movement must be done on a machine with pulleys high. The exercise is carried debout.Le back should be straight and not slouch during the exercise. Arms outstretched horizontally, bend slightly fl ected, grasp the handles of the pulleys. Run the movement by pulling on the pulleys to bring your arms in front of you. Ez blow by pulling the handles, Inhale while returning to the starting position.
11. pullover bar
The exercise is done lying on a bench right, with a bar. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. In the initial position, arms behind head, elbows fl ected, hands close together, palms up, holding the bar. Push the bar to bring it above your chest, arms outstretched. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
With a dumbbell: The exercise is done lying on a straight bench with a dumbbell. The back flat on the bench, feet on the ground. In the initial position, arms behind head, elbows fl ected, hands folded, palms up, holding the dumbbell. Push the dumbbell to bring it above your chest, arms outstretched. Ez blow during exercise, inhale while returning to the starting position.
12. Repulsion on bars
The exercise is done on parallel bars or on a Roman chair. Place your hands on the bars, balance. The movement is done by raising the body by pushing on the arms. In the final position the arms are extended. Ez blow by pushing your arms, inhale when returning to the previous position.
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