Does bread make you fat?

Does bread make you fat
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   People who want to lose weight are increasingly opting for low carb diets. Bread and other starchy foods are then avoided. But does bread really grow and where does this idea come from?

The ideaMany popular diets, and especially protein-rich methods, exclude bread and other starchy foods. The idea is that carbohydrates give a lot of energy, that they are quickly assimilated by the body and, therefore, quickly stored as fat. In addition, they would increase blood glucose, which would make it even more hungry.
Is it true?
It is not quite true that carbohydrates give a lot of energy. One gram of carbohydrate gives 4 kcal, that's as much as one gram of protein. On the other hand, one gram of alcohol or fat gives 9 kcal and 7 kcal respectively. Carbohydrates therefore contain relatively few calories. When it is said that carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and stored as fat, this is true only for fast sugars. They are found mainly in sweets, pastries, snacks and refined products such as bread, white rice and pasta. Slow sugars help maintain healthy weight and digestion, good metabolism and a healthy diet. Slow sugars are mainly found in whole bread, pasta, crackers and rice.

What is in the bread?

In bread, there are mainly carbohydrates. There is almost no fat, and the fats found there are mostly unsaturated vegetable fats. These fats help maintain a healthy weight and are necessary for many functions of the body. The bread consists of starch and fiber. Starch is a complex carbohydrate which, as explained above, is slowly assimilated by the body. The fibers allow good digestion and metabolism. For the fibers to have an optimal effect, it is important to drink enough daily: between 1.5 and 2 liters.

Healthy choices

This is true for bread as for any other food. If you eat too much every day, you get bigger. Besides the quantity, the type of bread also has its importance. The white bread is mainly composed of quick sugars and when the body gets too many quick sugars, so too much energy it will store them in the form of fat. On the other hand, the whole bread contains many excellent slow sugars.

Besides the quantity and type of bread, we must also pay attention to what we put on it. Once again, if you put a lot on it, it can make you fat. It is better to make sandwiches with lean ingredients. For example: Chicken fillet, roast beef, lean pork tenderloin, lean cheese, American fillet or light jam.

You can eat bread without worry, but limit the quantities and choose a full bread rich in slow sugars.

You need fat to be able to burn fat

Many people wanting to lose weight eat a food low in fat or even fat free. In fact, our body needs fat to continue to function properly. And did you know that you can also use fat to finally burn fat?


Fat is essential for your physical growth and development. In addition, fat gives you energy, protects your organs and allows your body to absorb and process certain foods more easily.

As one might already expect, all kinds of fats do not help to lose weight. For example, fries, pizzas and hamburgers (saturated fats) are rather unhealthy and will make you fat. If you want to lose weight, it is important that in addition to the quantity, you also look at the quality of what you are absorbing. A good quality diet ensures that the cells in your body remain healthy, and it keeps your immune system at an optimal level.
Good fats are unsaturated fats (mono and poly) By consuming these good fats, you can achieve a lower body mass and have less abdominal fat. Unsaturated fats are found in, among others, nuts, fish, vegetable oils and oilseeds. Saturated fats are less good, so it is better not to consume too much. They are fats of animal origin, and we are thinking here of dairy products and meat.


Avoid trans fats as much as possible. These fats, also called trans fatty acids, are made from chemically modified unsaturated fats. This treatment is used to enhance the taste, shelf life and texture of foods. Trans fats are found in, among others, margarine, cooking fat, cakes and pastry.


To get more good fats, you can eat a small amount at each meal. The fat gets slowly digested, thus you feel full longer and, automatically, you are less hungry.

Breakfast: eat a toast with peanut butter, prepare your oatmeal porridge with almond milk or add, for example, a tablespoon of peanut butter to the smoothie of your breakfast.

Snacks: Eat a small handful of nuts.

Lunch: for example, incorporate a few walnuts into your salad or spread a quarter of avocado on a sandwich.

Dinner: Use olive oil when preparing your evening meal.

The fats are healthy, but very high in calories, so always keep an eye on the quantities you absorb.
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