Muscle warm-up

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              Muscle warm-up

   Muscle warm-up is an important step in a weight training program and every session. It precedes all training and prevents injury.

What is the purpose of muscle warm?

Warming up in weight as in all sports, is an absolute must.Unfortunately, many people neglect this passage and rush on muscle strengthening exercises hoping to save time. They can only get the opposite result.Muscle warm-up works on several principles:

* The heating to fuel muscles: it is a form of appetite layout. The muscles are going to need a lot of energy, muscle warm-ups leading the way. He wakes up the nerve endings, pathways of energy production.
* Warming to mobilize and stretch the muscles: the first efforts made smooth help awaken the muscles and prepare them for intense stress
* The heating to lock: To avoid injury, the body and mind must be prepared to meet maximum strength. The heating provides better concentration, more endurance and more strength.
* A warm rev up the heart rate and avoids accidents heart. The exercises often seem easier if heating was realized. They will be more effective.

How to make the muscle warm?

It takes only minutes to prepare all muscles:

     * To start, it is possible to walk, taking care to raise your knees and then bringing the heels to the buttocks to warm the lower body muscles.
     * A slow race by turning the arm, then a good transition to the upper body muscles.
     * Load without bending movements still wake up a little more quadriceps and glutes. The basin is requested.
     * It is then possible to make a specific warm-up by the muscle as the workout program. Before each exercise, it is possible to twenty repetitions to prepare slight muscle.
     * It is also recommended to adapt the muscle warm-up to his general state of fatigue, but also the weather. If it is cold or wet, a longer warm-up will be necessary.
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