When subjected to an exercise, the body has special needs that must be addressed to maximize the benefits of physical activity. Basic needs such as food, hydration, warm-ups and stretching will depend on the basic predispositions of the athlete, the environment and, of course, the type of activity which he is devoted.
-The Staples of sports:
the sporty basic foods are:-The Proteins (meat, fish and eggs) to promote the renewal and muscle growth, as well as iron intake for blood and muscles.-The Carbohydrate made primarily in the form of starches, are the main and preferred source of energy for our muscles._The Fats that bring some vitamins and essential fatty acids fundamental to the proper functioning of the body.-The Dairy at every meal, which supplement protein intake and provide useful calcium intake for muscle contraction.-The Fruits and vegetables, cooked and raw, with each meal for:Basal body hydration with water in them.-L'apport In vitamins and minerals.fructose -L'apport favoring sugar storage in the liver very useful in the context of intense physical activity and recovery phase.-The Expenses of the body to the effort:The sports activity involves spending two orders for the body: energy and water.-The Energy expenditure: A person who induces or engages in a sport can spend up to three times more energy than at rest. His diet is therefore of vital importance since it provides, among others, three energy nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.This is - by far - carbohydrates that provide the most energy to the sports they represent 50 to 60% of total energy intake required by the body active. lipid requirements are of the order of 15 to 25% and those protein range between 15 and 20%. (These proportions can vary from one individual to another and depending on the sport.)In general, when trained intensively, the body mostly uses carbohydrates as an energy basis. Conversely, if the drive is moderate and lasts longer, the body more will reserve fats (lipids). But beware: it is not a question of weight loss, but a energy expenditure.It goes without saying that energy needs vary from one individual to another, and more dependent on the type of exercise performed, its intensity and duration.-The Water expenses: Physical exercise causes significant heat, so a rise in body temperature.To prevent overheating, the body thus dissipate the excess heat mainly through sweat, which is 99% water and 1% salt. Alone sweating is responsible for over 80% of the loss of body fluid during training.During a year long term, you can lose two to three liters of water through evaporation of sweat. Since blood - as the whole body for that matter - is composed of 70% water, water loss decreases the amount of blood in the body and slows the transport of energy to the muscle. In addition, the loss of water disrupts the thermoregulation of the body less water means less sweat, therefore a slower evacuation of heat.Therefore dehydration watches sports neglecting to drink enough. At last, if the athlete continues to "push the machine" without hydration, his body will reduce the production of sweat to keep its water reserves. Body temperature will rise, and if it exceeds 41 degrees Celsius, it will heat stroke.-I Eat anything before and after sport?-Before: What you eat before sport is important because better you feel during exercise, the more effective the session (and therefore the results).- A pasta dish: at least 3 hours before exercise. With starch and sugars they contain, the pasta is assimilated more slowly by the body and therefore allow to feel satiated for the duration of the session.
- A fruit salad: 1 hour before. It is better to eat something light to reduce the digestion period fatigue and encourages laziness.- A yogurt: up to 30 minutes. We can afford something ultra light which eliminates hunger pangs and helps keep longer.-After: According Fabien David, what you eat after exercise is the most important. This is to give your body exactly what it claims.- A milkshake light: if so, it exists, and home to boot. blender we go to a fruit choice, milk and cheese 0% for a low calorie beverage.- A chicken sandwich: high protein and fat content almost nonexistent, chicken is the sport of choice meat. To the sandwich some tomatoes for vitamin C and presto, you made one stone.- A cereal bar: they eat well and above all, very quickly after exercise. However, they are rich in sugars, which the body does not really need, then it is limited to a single portion.- Eggs: they contain iron, vitamins and proteins. If the goal is more to lose weight, the egg yolk is removed to eat only white.- Fish: especially salmon, rich in proteins. For a balanced meal, it is accompanied by green vegetables, fiber-filled.- Peanut butter (yes, we swear!): While it is rich in fat, but it is good fat, which the body needs. Everything is whether limit then you eat a tablespoon, not more.
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