Exercise # 1: Work of flexion-extension
Running the exercise:
Bend your legs inspiring, raising his arms in front until the hip joint is flush knee without rounding your back and controlling the descent. When the femurs are horizontal, exhale going up (leg extension) by contracting your glutes up to the starting position.
In this movement, the back is slightly inclined, but flat. You push the buttocks backward as if you wanted to sit. To experience the work glutes and thighs and legs, it is important to bring the thighs horizontal.Muscles worked:quadriceps, glutes, adductors, hamstrings.Drive: 4 sets of 20 repetitions. Give you one minute rest between each set.
Exercise # 2: Work of flexion-extension, feet apart
Starting position:
Stand with feet apart a little more than shoulder width, the tips of feet facing outward, hands on the waist. The back is straight and look forward.
Running the exercise:
Bend your legs inspiring until the thigh is horizontal, the hands are at the waist. Exhale back (leg extension) and squeezing the glutes to the starting position. The muscles are the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and above all the adductors.
Drive: 4 sets of 20 répétitions. Not forget to breathe between each set, rest for one minute.
Exercise # 3: Leaning against a wall, static work
Starting position:
Electroplate well your back to the wall, legs bent at a right angle, arms along the body and many contract the stomach.
Running the exercise:
Hold the starting position by blowing for 30 to 40 seconds.
Drivetrain: Repeat this exercise six times with 20 seconds rest between each. According to your possibilities, little by little, try holding the position longer to feel a burning sensation in the thighs.
Exercise # 4: Slots
Running the exercise:
Inhale while bending the legs, back straight, eyes horizontally and exhale back legs completely. Contract the glutes throughout the movement. To work the other leg, reverse the position of the feet.
Drivetrain: Depending on your physical abilities, perform 4-6 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Rest time: 45 seconds to a minute.
Second possibility.
Stand with legs slightly apart, looking forward. Either hands at the waist or arms outstretched to the side with small dumbbells in each hand. Inhale and take a big step forward keeping the torso upright. When the slot, the thigh moves forward must stabilize to the horizontal. Exhale while returning to the starting position.
Drivetrain: 4-6 sets of 10-20 repetitions depending on your possibilities. Rest time: 45 seconds to a minute. To work the other leg, reverse the position of the feet.
Contract your buttocks during movement. The knee of the front leg should not exceed the toes. Observe well the width of the basin. At first, if you have balance problems, use a stick (the handle of a broom).These two exercises are intensely working the quadriceps, glutes and abductors.
Exercise # 5: The abductors with fleet (gym weights)
Standing on one leg, with a nimble around the ankle of the other leg, the opposite hand resting on a firm support.
Running the exercise:
Exhale, raising the leg laterally without wiggle and contracting the glutes. Inhale while returning to the starting position. The muscles are abductors but also the small and medium diaper.
Drive: For best results, it is advisable to work in long series until the burning sensation. 6 sets of 30 repetitions. Rest time: 20 seconds.
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