Lemon diet to lose weight in a week

   This sunny fruit is one of the most populaires.Nous eat Prevention rum, ingesting a good tea citron.En addition, it lowers blood pressure and is useful for kidney disease. 
- Nutritionists say that lemon helps us lose weight when on a diet. Thus, due to its high content in citric acid, lemon is good for the digestive system. The present acid interact with other acids and enzymes, it stimulates the secretion of gastric and digestive juices. Lemon skin contains citrus pectin, which envelops the intestinal wall. In addition, it allows cutting the sensation of hunger, for example drink a glass of warm water with lemon before a meal reduces hunger. Regarding the lemon juice, it's just a wonderful concentrated in vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and aids in digestion.
- Some believe that the lemon is not suitable to lose weight fast, but we know that this fruit contains substances that break down fat. In addition, the metabolism through high citric acid content of the lemon will accelerate and improve the secretion of gastric juice. The pectin in the lemon, normalizes blood glucose allowing the body not secrete excess insulin that would result in a storage of unwanted fat.
- Water with lemon helps acidified body, which in turn helps in better absorption of calcium. According to studies, a high calcium intake helps to burn fat for energy, and also prevents the accumulation of fat. Therefore, those who want to lose weight fast, one interest to consume more calcium. However, it is recommended to focus not on pills containing calcium but low on fat dairy products that are high in protein. Thus, water with lemon for weight loss, helps improve calcium absorption and thus really promotes weight loss.
- The renowned nutritionist Theresa Chong, who wrote a book on the lemon diet claims that one of the causes of obesity is related to digestion problems. In his opinion, Traditional diets, will not improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, by cons if we included in our water system with lemon this will help normalize the digestive system . Many nutritionists from around the world line up to wash Theresa Chong and recommend the lemon diet and lose weight fast. Lemon assisting in the elimination of toxic substances and the normalization of the digestive system.
- Use lemon diet to some advantage. You do not have to stick to a strict diet or you starve. Nutritionists who claim that water with lemon promotes weight loss advise to include in your diet lemon juice or better lemon pulp, and this would be enough to lose weight faster. Lemon helps to lose weight, not only will keep you in good shape, but also to cleanse the body of harmful substances.
- If you're a fan of lemon perhaps it is time to try the lemon diet? Especially those who used the lemon diet, not constantly leave positive feedback. Note, however, that despite the effectiveness of lemon diet there are a number of cons-indications. Thus it is not recommended for people with high acidity of the stomach. This diet is not suitable for people with sensitive teeth, to those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

What are the principles of this diet?
- First of all it is a system designed for two weeks, during which you will need to eat in moderation, do not abuse pasta and sugar. You will not need to radically change your diet just to adapt. During the fourteen days, you will need every morning to drink water with lemon. In a glass of water at room temperature, you should squeeze a lemon and that drink fasting morning. Then you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda (a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water) to neutralize the acid.
- Each day you will need to increase the amount of juice, the second day, two glasses of water with two lemons on the third day three glasses, and so on. If you can not drink several glasses daffilés you can distribute during the day but always without food before eating. On the seventh day, you need to press three lemons in three liters of water, add a little honey and drink throughout the day. After that, the countdown to the inverse count starts. In other words, from the eighth until the fourteenth day you will reduce the number of glasses of water with lemon to get to one drink per day. The fourteenth day squeeze three lemons on three liters of water with a little honey.
- At the end of the regime try to eat in moderation, healthy and balanced food. Although this lemon diet requires a good diet, avoiding sugars, fats. Especially if you are not sure that such a diet is safe for you, consult a doctor.

lemon diet: pros and cons

The benefits of the lemon diet

- The method of the lemon diet offers a good start with a day detox cure. But no question of staying in bed drinking broth of leeks all day! It is to spread the necessary inputs in small quantities throughout the 24 hours and drink lots of lemonade. This day boost (not too complicated to follow and especially little frustrating: you can eat snack almonds!) Can boost the body and especially the motivation! 500g to a kilo of lost on the scale the next day (according to your body) and a gray complexion least through the natural drainage made the day: what you put on the right track.
- Both experts disclose a multitude of tips to fill his cart without making mistakes but also to cook without much fat. The recipes really make you want to put it (lentil soup, breaded salmon with lemon, apple stuffed in the oven) and tips abound. For example: replace salt with lemon to reveal the flavors.
- Each day new diet is accompanied by a new principle to adopt. Example: "forget the so-called light products." A really good idea that achieves smooth its objectives and build a new healthier lifestyle in the long term.
- Thanks to its high vitamin C, lemon diet involves no loss of energy and therefore helps to exercise, the better it increases the tone and vitality and urge them to put on his shoes! An entire chapter is devoted in the same book.

The disadvantages of the lemon diet  
- This diet is not suitable for everyone. Those who want to find the line before the summer (less than 5 kilos) will have everything to gain but in case of very overweight, better consult your doctor.

- It requires the purchase of certain foods a bit hard to find: sunflower seeds, maple syrup, fruits and especially organic lemons

- He needs to spend a lot of time to cook. For food fans, so this can be an advantage!

- It can cause heartburn.

- It is not recommended for people with kidney problems.

The benefits of drinking hot water with lemon for our organization

- Clean your skin. Vitamin C also removes wrinkles and blemishes, and also removes toxins from the blood. All this is then seen on our skin. Besides, we can directly apply the preparation on our face because we thus help to have a better look.- Refresh your breath. It is also a good remedy for toothache and gingivitis.- Do pay attention because the lemon acid can damage the enamel of your teeth.- You maintain a Zen state. When your mind is taken by stress, your body loses vitamin C. With Lemon, you can recover and return to an optimal level.- Leaving aside the bad habit of coffee. Your desire to decrease caffeine. You will not need to charge your breakfast with this substance. Your start day will be much healthier!
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