How cool the body after exercising?

Accredited study: scientific truth of how cool the body after exercising?

No doubt you've heard many warnings about the best way to cool the body after exercise and read all the reasons that make the body needs to recover and repair itself after strenuous sports share. But mayScientific data do not support this ancient advice in the world of fitness.
Ross Tucker, a world physiology says {now know that lactic acid is not liable for damage or muscle pain intensifies it, and the problem will disappear after a calm body}.In a study conducted in 2007, healthy adults walked quickly to the back, throughout the 30 minutes, the treadmill after adjustment for a degree
Curved what looked like going down a hill. Some members of the group Pthamih their bodies through the walk in advance, while others March light walk to regain their calm, and has not a small number of participants in any activity.Two days later (delayed muscle pain appears after this period), the researchers noted the decline of muscle pain in people who have Pthamih their bodies, while people who were keen to soothe the pain of their bodies as far refrained from any activity hair.If you get a vacuum to publish your picture as you play sports on social networking sites rather than after the quota is stretched, stop for a moment!Tucker explains: {exercises during the lengthy and arduous, expanding the blood vessels in the legs and can be blood accumulates there if suddenly moved from excessive stress to complete standstill, leading to problems such as dizziness or fainting. But the blood flow returns to normal after a few minutes of jogging or walking or any other activity light}.In other words, it may not prevent the intensification of the body to calm the pain in the gluteal muscles. But if you want to avoid a dangerous and embarrassing situation, you should allocate some time for the transitional period following the exercise, even if it is only a few minutes.If the benefits were not that your body receives encouraging enough, I know that taking the time to restore calm after strenuous exercise may improve mood and relieve stress as well.Insists personal trainer licensed Nikki Oliva that customers have allocate between five and seven minutes after the share strenuous exercise to calm their bodies: {How many times a day you can devote time to yourself without the phone rings or receive e-mails or ask you your children service? Be a useful body for the body and mind calm at the same time. You need to force the body and mind of course, to achieve the goals of agility}.Stretching exercises allow the body and calm the assessment of your hard work and enjoy a moment of peace. Oliva progress in this area are two ways easy steps to relax after a share, according to the exercises you choose.
Calm heart: slower rhythm of walking and then gradually Pray fixed stretch in the second-hand muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, calf, hip, gluteus muscle). Keep each position between 20 and 30 seconds and continued breathe and drink water.
Calm the body through strength training: devoted a moment to breathe simply and drink some water. You can wander around a bit when possible and then start Pettmotait all the muscles used during the quota from top to bottom. Keep each position between 20 and 30 seconds and make sure to breathe while stretching.
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